
Complete instruction & dissection of Smart Money Tactics, nothing is left out of my proven strategy. Learn the selective basket of stocks inside & out that I use every single day. In-depth guidance on how to find and plot Smart Money Levels and become self-sufficient finding these anytime. Complete instruction on equites levels so you’ll know exactly where to go long or short. Complete instruction on options including choosing calls or puts,  strike prices and expiry. Learn the Standard Risk strategy and how to set proven risk levels protecting you from ever taking dirty losses. Nightly video watch list posted so you can watch on any device. I’m live on screen share starting 8:45 a.m. EST to answer questions and guide you throughout the morning. Live pre-market plan of attack (PMPOA) every morning at 9am EST to fine-tune the watchlist and plot precise levels. Watch and learn as I educate you. 24/7 helpful & friendly chat room to interact with other members and help you succeed. Your questions WILL get answered. Trade recaps posted in our private FB group. Trade entries charts posted daily to see exactly where I entered and exited. Access to extensive huge video lesson library. Morning newsletter briefing sent directly to your inbox. Weekly LIVE Mentoring class (recorded if you miss it). Access to extensive private Mentoring video lesson library. Weekly dissection of trend formation strategy. Learn candlestick subtleties that can make the difference between a losing trade and a monster win. Learn the sneaky smart levels that can make you huge profits. Discover how to professionally average in Learn when and where to correctly pay yourself I review some of your toughest trades.          

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