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Day Trading Masterclass
The Bare-Bones Building Blocks You Need To Become A Pro Day Trader.
Learn The Simple Strategy & All The Tools You Need To Pull A Full-Time Income Out Of The Market Every Day Before Lunchtime!

Pat “Trick” Mitchell
Founder of TrickTrades.com and professional day trader with over a decade of experience pulling thousands out of the market every day.

- Over 2.5 hours of professional education where I literally take you be the hand and show you exactly how I trade every day.
- The entire video is time-stamped so you can easily find every chapter easily.
- Learn all the hardware you need to PROPERLY trade including internet speed, graphics cards, processors. No...you can't trade with a laptop sitting in a jungle on vacation.
- The best charting software to use and how to build your first proper chart with Smart Money levels
- Learn candlestick basics and the secret candles that can give you the biggest gains.
- Discover the basket of stocks to play WITH RANGE that will consistently give you daily profits.
- How to place orders CORRECTLY in your order manager. If you can fill out a credit card form when you're online shopping then you can do this perfectly.
- Learn how to place OPTIONS trades with the correct strike prices and expiry.
- Learn how to trade with a small account. You'll never be restricted by the PDT rule again. Trade every day with LESS than 25k.
- And too much more to list here. This masterclass is JAM PACKED with amazing information and so easy to understand and follow.
Order The Bones Today And Receive My Annotated Chart Setups That I Use Every Day.
These are my winning trade setups that are completely dissected and explained in great detail all on a downloadable PDF

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And Also Get My Instant Download Slang Video 100% FREE
This video will walk you through all the terms and sayings that you MUST know to understand and be proficient in day trading. Over 40 slang words covered in great detail.

The Bones With Everything Included Is Yours Today For Only