Want to make money trading?

If you are losing money trading, then watch the quick video below before you do anything else today.

Is this You?

  1. 1

    The hope of morning green turns red with regret. Another trade whittles away any recent success. Soon, the account can no longer be refunded. It's only a matter of time.
  2. 2

    It's the one thing in life we can't ever get back. With each promise, each refunding, the clock ticks and the people we love who depend on us start looking for answers, and results.
  3. 3

    With time and money in short supply, the dream of becoming a professional trader starts to fade. Dreaded Plan B will soon be back on the table.  

You Are Asking the Wrong Question. Start with:

What do you really want?

A fire of creativity deep inside can solve any problem. But without the passion to do something extraordinary, for something or somebody greater than yourself, that fire fails to ignite. What's beyond the money for you?

What are you tolerating?

Trading struggles come from habits and behaviors that don't get desired results. In order to become profitable, a level of intolerance towards damaging actions must be obeyed. What will you no longer tolerate?

What will you give up?

With focus on the big picture and an eye on what needs to change, a process of letting go must begin. Only then can the real learning and listening inspire real progress, and the results you're after. What must you let go of?

Why is Going After "The Money" Wrong?

We all come into trading seeking an easier way to make money. The turning point in your career will happen when your attention stops focusing on profits.

Because money isn't a strong enough motivator to get you through the things that are holding you back. Any job can get you money. But not happiness. Not the ability to live your life on your own terms. Not the ability to be the author of your life. 

The challenges you must overcome along the way to true financial independence will require that you go deeper into who you are, and what truly drives you.

The Most Important Question:
How Will I Get My Freedom?

The next steps you take are critical. Where you go next depends on the deeper questions you're willing to ask yourself. The right questions will point you towards true freedom.

Do you want a life of independence - for not only yourself, but your family, and your loved ones?

If that's true, then if you're ever going to trade well, trades in your life must first be made: 

  • Are you willing to do the work necessary?
  • Are you willing to be trained by somebody you just met? 
  • Are you willing to listen, and faithfully apply what you've heard towards new actions?
  • Are you willing to improve your mental capacity and your physical condition?
  • Are you willing to give up old comfortable habits?
  • Are you willing to cut out toxic people?
  • Are you willing to face your own lies and B.S.?

If you are willing to do these things, then you understand the implications.

You have to be willing to give everything to this craft and never look back.

It's Takes Everything

Take any profession where there's the potential for massive income. The risks are high. But for the select few, success is the only acceptable outcome.

Whether it's professional sports, entertainment industry performers, Fortune 500 executives and other seven figure earners, they all share a common trait few have the focus, discipline and drive to master.

Do you have the calling to be just good? Is "getting by" good enough?

Or, do you have what it takes to become a true master?

Top Performers all Share Common Traits.


A highly trained body executes actions on demand with precision and results.


A highly trained mind maintains focus under extreme pressure pushing out instruction to which the body responds without hesitation.


Mind and body performing under stress achieves consistency over time. Setbacks are minimal. Growth is constant.  

Mastery of Skill + Emotion

When we master the skills to do the job and our ability to focus through pressure, Mastery of Self emerges. All top performers share this common trait.

The way these high earners think and how they spend their time is different.

Professional Traders that pull in seven figures or more a year are the same. 

When you combine Mastery of Skill and
Mastery of Emotion, you get a formula for
Massive Results.

The Massive Results Formula

Mastery of Skill

Mastery of Emotion

Structured Learning & Testing

The path to excellence is to do the right thing at the right time, all the time.  We show you how.

Fix Hesitation

When you don't know what to do, uncertainty carries a burden that will not fix itself. Without action, opportunity is lost.

The Right Tools

Regardless of skill, if you're not using the right tools, in the right way, you're done.  We show you what.

Fix Fear

When you don't trust yourself, or have been damaged by other "gurus", your trading career will be dead in it's tracks. Without confidence, skill never develops.

Live Morning Training

Knowing the crucial moments to enter and exit a position often comes down to split second decisions. We show you when.

Fix Greed

You're here because you're not listening to what the market has to say. Without self control, the things you need are taken from you.

The Right Stocks

Not just any stock will do. Putting your money into the wrong stocks decreases your odds. We show you where.


Without foresight, you'll always chase.

A solid understanding of price action gives you the confidence knowing there's no such thing as missing out.  

Daily Coaching

With over a decade of experience, there's reasons behind every detail we teach. We show you why.

Fix Self Talk

The voice in your head is going to be the biggest "boss fight" you'll ever face. We'll help you retrain the stories in your mind that are holding you back. Without the right mind set, all of the above falls apart.

Another Trait High Earners Share

They all have coaches, advisors and mentors who have been there before them, who guide them and push them beyond their own limits.

Mastery of skill and emotion requires somebody whose been there, and can get you through to the other side.  This takes a proven strategy.

What You Need is Strategy

Setups work, sure, but if they worked that well, then you wouldn't be here. What you are here for is a strategy. A solid strategy always wins consistently over time. Know where the adds are. Minimize risk. Pull profits from the market. 

What is different about strategy vs set ups?

Rather than focusing on what to do like set ups and indicators, strategy helps you choose what not to do. 

This takes us back to why struggling traders get the wrong results: they have habits and behavior that doesn't work. So with strategy, it first removes the things we shouldn't be doing. This is where discipline comes in: stop doing the things you're not supposed to be doing. 


But you don't know what to stop doing, and what to start doing. And this is why you need someone who knows what they are doing to show you what to stop doing. Once the bad habits are removed from the picture, the good habits can be learned. 

Now that we're resisting the urge to get ourselves into situations that are damaging, we're free to take the right trades, at the right time, with the right size, and with the right amount of risk. With proper risk management comes emotional management. 

Welcome to the world of professional trading where profitability is a way of life.

Learn from a
Master Trader & Experienced Coach

PAT "TRICK" MITCHELL  //  Professional Trader & Coach

I've trained over 30,000 traders, just like yourself, who know there is a better life calling to them.

I can tell you, there is a path, because I've walked it. I've bled, I've given everything to get where I am. And I can take you by the hand, guide each step, and get you through the doubt, the worry, the mistakes, the blow ups, all of it. All of the things I kicked, screamed and stumbled through.

I broke through all the barriers. And now I'm living the life of my dreams. There's only one thing missing from this picture.

It's you. I want what I have for everybody who's willing to put in the work. You have no idea how sweet true freedom is.

So if you are the kind of person that doesn't make excuses, that can fight like hell to make things happen, then know this to be true: you will have your freedom.

Pat "Trick" Mitchell

Guidance & Mentorship that Gets Results

(Not a Chaotic free-for-all Discord Room)

The Best Market Education on the Planet

In-depth trade recaps, critical video lesson library, daily breakdowns, and live lessons every day so you can have complete confidence in yourself.

Open Connection to Other Highly Trained Members

Unlike other chat rooms, you have complete freedom to ask the entire community questions. And unlike other chat rooms They WILL get answered. You'll never feel intimidated or lost with our full support.

The Morning Premarket Plan of Attack (PMPOA)

Live on mic with screen share before the market opens so you can be totally prepared for the day. Pat teaches live and interacts with EVERYBODY all morning. Education continues all afternoon.

Prepare for Success Every Night

Video watch list is recorded every night for the next day and accessible via the members area so you can be totally prepared for the next day. These are high probability trade opportunities that are cherry-picked.

Go-time is Live Every Trading Day

Video watch list is covered again in the PreMarket Plan Of Attack live on screen share every morning at 9 a.m. Eastern time sharp so you can have a solid plan going into the open with all members.

Live chat is 24/7 

You can always get help, ask questions, or simply make new friends. We are a very engaging community that communicates with each other all day and night, even on weekends. We never shut down like other chat rooms do.

Reasons You Should Not Be Here

Looking to Get Rich Quick

If you think you’re going to come into our room and get rich off a couple trades, that’s not going to happen. It’s not what we teach. The market is not a get-rich-quick pursuit. We are dedicated to CONSISTENCY and EDUCATION.

If you think social media traders and penny stock traders are REALLY making 10’s of thousands of dollars a day, - ain’t happening. It’s nice to dream but the real trading world doesn’t work like that. Most day traders make very little or no money day trading. It takes hard work and dedication to become a REAL consistent day trader over time. And that’s what I teach.

So if you’re not prepared to commit more effort than you’re expecting, TrickTrades isn’t for you.

Looking for the Easy Way

When people say "Do you have a free trial?”, “Do you send out alerts”, “Can you trade my money”, all it’s saying is “I don’t have any drive or determination to work hard and enjoy the riches that I deserve.”

The market is hard but it can give you all the things you imagine…more time, more freedom, more vacations, more stuff. But it takes hard work and the ability to listen and follow directions. The later is the easy part, the hard part is sticking it out through all the peaks and valleys knowing at the end it’s a skill you can have for the rest of your life and you can potentially have everything you’ve always dreamed of.

Not Willing To Put in the Time

Many people in the past think they can absorb everything in a few weeks and say “Ok, I got this.” and then leave because they think they know everything there is to know. Guess what?

Those are the same ones they keep coming back with their tail between their legs knowing they messed up badly. They thought they could grab information here, then go over there to that chat room, then read that book over there, then watch that video on that other channel, and then they know everything.

This is an ongoing process that takes time and commitment. You have to bleed for this. It’s probably the hardest thing you’ll ever do in life. The Trick Trades methodology is based on simplicity. We're talking caveman simple. When people think there’s “something more”, they never fully commit - to anything in life. So if you’re not willing to put in the time and commit to learning a simple methodology that has the potential to change your life please go here or here.


By using our service, you agree that your decisions are yours alone to make. 

If you are looking for alerts or financial advice, you are in the wrong place and you will be removed from this service immediately. This service is purely and 100% education. Use this service at your own risk.

Must be 18 or older. Adults only.

  • We do not trade your money
  • We are not an alert service
  • We do not make or give financial advice
  • We are not a Discord room
  • We are an Educational Service.

Join Over 30,000 Students Taught at Trick Trades

Brian Tarr
Truck Driver

One on one clinic with Kelvo

Having a trading clinic with Kelvo was awesome! To have an educator go over your trades one on one is an amazing benefit that Trick Trades offers with our membership. He went over the fine details of what I have been doing in my trades, what mistakes were made, where I could've made changes, and how my overall progress has been. I Highly recommend

Eric Dudenhofer
Nurse Practitioner ER

Signing up for Trick Trades give you access to information that is applicable to trading. The service also allows you to set up appointment with all coaches. This mentoring is ongoing and actionable. Kelvo is an amazing coach. Take advantage of the service. It is worth more than double the price.

Richard Becher
IT Consultant

I have been part of Trick Trades for a little over 2 months now. To offer a mentoring component freely available as part of the package is INSANELY generous. And Kelvo is a fantastic guide. I so appreciate his ability to call out BS while offering support and encouragement at the same time. All to improve my trading success. Thank you!

Trick Trades Has Been Featured On:






Our Mission is simple: Provide you with the educational resources required so you can master a level of trading that delivers your freedom. 

To complete this mission, we’ve created a framework of strategies and systems that keep you safe from unnecessary loss while you gain the experience necessary to gradually increase risk over time, and thereby steadily grow your trading account as you pull profits from the market. 

This framework includes training courses, daily live trading guidance, technical support, and multiple channels of communication to help you wherever you are at in your learning process. 

When you trust this process, follow directions and allow yourself to grow within the necessary amount of time, your dream of becoming a professional trader becomes real - day by day, trade by trade, lesson by lesson. 

There’s no going back. And no trader gets left behind. That’s our guarantee to you.

Pricing Plan - Unbeatable Value
Now includes the
 Size UP App, Size Up Trading ClinicBoot Camp Live 

SIZE UP Guidance

Introduction to Pat's proven day trading strategy, video lessons and daily guidance for each trading day.

  • The Size UP! App (IOS, Android, Desktop)
  • Boot Camp: Over 50 Game Changing Lessons on Skills and Emotions
  • Access to The Size UP Trading Clinic
  • Complete instruction & dissection of Smart Money Tactics, nothing is left out of my proven strategy.
  • In-depth guidance on how to find and plot the secret levels and become self-sufficient finding these anytime.
  • Learn the selective basket of stocks inside & out that I use every single day.
  • Learn the Standard Risk strategy and how to set proven risk levels protecting you from ever taking dirty losses.
  • Nightly video watch list posted so you can watch on any device.
  • Live screenshare at 8:45 a.m. EST to answer questions and guide you throughout the morning.
  • Live pre-market plan of attack (PMPOA) every morning at 9am EST to fine-tune the watchlist and plot precise levels.
  • Watch and learn as I educate in real time.
  • 24/7 helpful & friendly chat room to interact with other members and help you succeed.
  • You're questions WILL get answered.
  • Trade recaps posted in our private FB group.
  • Trade entries charts posted to see exactly where I entered and exited.
  • Morning newsletter briefing sent directly to your inbox.

Weekly mentoring that builds on the week's lessons plus forward thinking conversation about self improvement, market analysis, and much more!

  • All of Size UP Guidance, plus:
  • Advanced Size UP analysis, insights and trade plan analysis to prepare your growth for the week ahead.
  • Weekly LIVE Mentoring class (recorded if you miss it.)
  • Weekly dissection of trend formation strategy.
  • Learn candlestick subleties that can make the difference between a losing trade and a monster win.
  • Learn the sneaky smart levels that can make you huge profits.
  • Discover how to professionally average in.
  • Learn when and where to correctly pay yourself.
  • Learn advanced trading psychology to take advantage of DUMB MONEY.
  • Discover the simple ways to find hidden trend formations on the daily chart that you can take for big profits.
  • Get inside my head and learn the subtle nuances on the intraday chart.
  • I'll show you the only times I hold overnight.
  • I review some of your toughest trades


Frequently Asked Questions

Is it worth the price?

What's the price of continuing the path you're on? What's the cost of the time it takes trying to figure how to get consistent results? Compare the cost of your time and losing trades, and you'll see that the value of what I teach far exceeds my low monthly rates. Please ask yourself, by not learning from a true master, is it worth the cost?

Will it be like all the others?

TrickTrades, my Strategy, Boot Camp, the Community and the Daily Live Trading experience is nothing like you've ever seen before. The keys to the kingdom are here. The only thing that will stop you is if you show up and do not listen, and do exactly what I say.

Will I understand what to do?

Our education is designed for both new and experienced traders alike. To ensure all new members, regardless of experience level understand Pat's Strategy, and everything else needed to know, we have a 50 lesson Boot Camp that goes into every detail required in order to become a successful day trader. More about Boot Camp here.

What if I'm a beginner?

Actually it’s almost better if you don’t have a lot of experience or have been in other services because you don’t have to be re-wired to get rid of bad habits. This is a very family oriented community that embraces new and struggling day traders. We are all here to help you succeed.

What if I'm not happy with the service?

If you are not happy for any reason within the first 30 days of signing up we will refund you initial payment no questions asked. After 30 days, you may decide to cancel anytime. For more details, please review our Terms & Conditions here.

Do you put out a watch list?

Yes! Every night I put out a video watchlist called the Premarket Plan Of Attack (PMPOA) that you can watch on the website. I go over exactly what I’m looking to trade the next day and give you all the levels and targets that I’m looking for. And then the following morning I dial in the watchlist according to premarket action making sure you know exactly what stocks to look at and how to trade them. It’s very streamlined and only the best of the best make the list every night.

Do you trade crypto, or forex?

NO! We strictly day trade REAL stocks and options. There’s a reason we play the same stocks that SMART MONEY plays. Our strategy is time-tested and proven over 10 years. It’s called smart money for a reason.

Do you trade penny stocks?

Absolutely not! We stay away from all that garbage. Trying to find shares to borrow, following social media traders with the latest “runner”, “gapper”, “flavor of the day”. It’s complete nonsense. Don’t be part of the 90%ers. Don’t be a sheep. You’ve been lied to in the past. Penny stocks will decimate your account. We trade what Smart Money trades. We make real money trading real stocks… MARKET LEADERS that are liquid and easy to trade. And once you see how easy and profitable it is, you’ll never want to trade anything else ever again.

Absolutely not! We stay away from all that garbage. Trying to find shares to borrow, following social media traders with the latest “runner”, “gapper”, “flavor of the day”. It’s complete nonsense. Don’t be part of the 90%ers. Don’t be a sheep. You’ve been lied to in the past. Penny stocks will decimate your account. We trade what Smart Money trades. We make real money trading real stocks… MARKET LEADERS that are liquid and easy to trade. And once you see how easy and profitable it is, you’ll never want to trade anything else ever again.

Every morning I get on mic around 8:45ish eastern time. I talk to everyone on screenshare and get all my members mentally ready for the day. At 9:00am I go over the Pre Market Plan Of Attack which goes over in great detail all the trade plans we will be looking at when the market opens. My other moderators stay on throughout the rest of the day and educate and answer questions over the mic in real time.

Is there a long term commitment?

Nope. You can cancel at anytime with a click of the mouse from your account dashboard.

I don't have a big account, can I still trade?

Of course! Most of our members have started with only a few hundred to a few thousand dollars and they’ve become beasts of the market. With our options strategy you don’t even need to worry about the PDT rule. Just open a cash options account and you can trade as much as your account will let you without having to worry about being restricted with only a few trades allowed during the week.

Is there a chat room?

Yup! Our chatroom is open 24/7 where you can engage with other members, discuss all kinds of things, and most importantly….get your questions answered.

Sure do! You can always ask questions in chat in real time. You can Direct Message anyone. You can also reach out to our Support Team here. We pride ourselves as having the best support system in the business. Your questions will always get answered.

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Receive critical updates on market conditions…Including Fed meetings for the day, our watch list for the day, Big Cap time-sensitive news, and what we’re currently looking at every day… Amazing FREE education and news right to your inbox before the market opens!

Join Our FREE
Private FB Group

This is where I post my daily recaps, share strategies, and post dedicated content strictly for group members. You can engage with each other and learn how to implement the TT strategy! Click the "Join" button and send in a request to join today!

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