Introduction to Plant Medicine & Microdosing

The journey toward consistent and profitable trading requires nearly relentless self-work.

Sometimes, to get the insights we need, there are no friends or family to turn to. There are times in our growth process where we must dive deep to reach a higher source of wisdom, and rewire the structure beneath our beliefs, our habits, and our behaviors. 

In order to get different results in our life, understanding WHY we do the things we do (but don't want to do) can lead us to HOW to start doing the things we need to do. The results we do, or don't, get in life are no more complicated than our actions. Success in trading comes down to very basic actions. Do I buy? Do I sell?

Now, where our actions come from, those thoughts that inspire the actions, that can get complicated.

Plant Medicine is an extremely powerful tool that, when properly used, has the potential to deliver long-lasting, and life-changing results. The reason for this is we can visit a place where we can see clearly, without bias, without judgement or fear, understand our own behaviors, what drives them, and most importantly, find out what to to about it.   

Our goal at Trick Trades is to begin this conversation for those who would like to know more.  

 © 2024, TrickTrades

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