Basic Options Simple Strategy
Built Exclusively for the BOSS Strategy and run by Pat…
…watch, learn, and trade the exact option plays that Pat is stalking and trading…
…All in real time as they’re happening.

Access to BOSS private room powered by Echofin Premium. Join Pat live every morning with screen share and live chat as he walks you through the exact trades that he is stalking and executing.
Nightly BOSS hyper-scan video watch list is uploaded into the room every night. These are the plays that Pat is watching himself and getting ready to trade the next morning. Everything is covered from charts, levels, chains, and strike prices.

Every morning prior to market open Pat does a live BOSS plan of attack via screen share in the chat room to confirm or tweak the watch list from the night before. A fully developed trade plan of 4-6 plays that Pat will be stalking and potentially executing. Everything is covered from charts, levels, chains, and strike prices.
These are Pat’s recaps from his personal trades on the day which are gone over in complete detail and explanation. Located in the BOSS trade recap room.

The BOSS membership gains you access to all the BOSS TrickTrades chat rooms including all the regular chat rooms as well. So as your gaining education within the private BOSS rooms you can still switch back to the regular chat rooms and interact and learn from all the other members too. It’s a win/win.
NOTICE: All BOSS videos including watch lists, trade recaps, and lessons will all be available directly through the BOSS rooms in echofin.
A BOSS membership DOES NOT give you access to any of the video lesson libraries on the website. is a completely separate membership.
You can, however, gain access to the complete video lesson libraries by holding a guidance or mentorship membership.
Holding a GUIDANCE membership will get you 50% off of the BOSS membership.
Holding a MENTORSHIP membership will get you 60% off of the BOSS membership.
Once you purchase a membership, simply go into chat and DM (Direct Message) Pat for the discount link for the BOSS room.